The Benefits of Alternative Medication

Alternative medicine offers many particular benefits you really can’t get anywhere else. In addition to treating all kinds of ailments and conditions, alternative medicine can be relatively less expensive. Acupuncture, cupping therapy, and percussion therapy are three forms of alternative medicine that fit the bill. Let us tell you more about them.


Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that consists of strategically inserting tiny needles into the skin. This increases oxygen levels in the blood –– which has the potential of helping with issues such as allergies, high blood pressure, chronic pain, and morning sickness, just to name a few.

Despite what you may have heard, acupuncture is a rather painless procedure. Some patients report improvements in as little as one session, though each case is different and contingent on your particular facts. Here at Greg Maruki Acupuncture, you can enjoy 40 minute sessions for just $45 as part of our affordable Acupuncture Wednesday program.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy involves placing special cups on the skin and creating a suction effect that pulls on the underlying skin. Much like acupuncture, this procedure increases oxygen levels in the blood and facilitates blood circulation, improving all kinds of conditions. Here at Greg Maruki Acupuncture, we offer two different types of cupping therapy: dry and wet therapy.

Wet cupping involves using a small scalpel to make microscopic cuts in the skin before doing a second round of cupping that brings blood to the surface of the skin.

Percussion Therapy

Percussion therapy uses a handheld device that delivers rapid, powerful bursts of pressure to the muscles and tissues. The device typically has a ball or flat attachment that vibrates at a high frequency, stimulating blood flow and breaking up muscle knots and tension. The therapist moves the device around the targeted area, applying pressure to different points and adjusting the intensity as needed.

Our Percussion Monday series offers you 30 minute percussion sessions for just $35 — lower than your typical co-pay.

Why Us

In addition to offering a wide range of services, one of the other features that sets us apart is our affordability. As you can see above, we offer special discounts to make our services as accessible as possible. In addition, we work with many insurance providers to maximize your savings even more.

If you are ready to discuss your options and work alongside us to come up with a treatment plan that works for you, get in touch today. Our office is located in Orange, California, and we see patients from all over the surrounding area. Give us a call to learn more: 714-532-2827.

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