Recover from Pain with Acupuncture and Percussion Therapy
Acupuncture can be used successfully to help with a wide variety of ailments, but at QualityAcu, we focus on pain management options. Our goal is to help your body recover from pain and to prevent future pain. We create custom treatment plans for each patient to ensure the best possible results.
Acupuncture Can Help Reduce and Relieve Pain
When we use acupuncture as part of your pain management plan, it helps by stimulating specific areas of the body, which can:
- Increase blood flow
- Increase oxygenation to the cells
- Improve organ function
- Reduces Inflammation
This allows areas of inflammation, or areas that have experienced a traumatic injury, to be nourished by healthy cells. This naturally starts the healing process. Remember that when we get the flow of energies with your body harmonized, only then can you experience optimal health.
Reduce and Prevent Pain with Percussion Therapy
Percussion therapy, also known as rapid release therapy, uses mechanic vibrations to break down muscle tension and tightness at its deepest layer. We continue to work the muscles at 2,800 percussions per minute, which brings in significant amounts of rich blood and oxygen to the area we are treating.
After doing so, the muscles feel looser, lighter, and stronger. Percussion therapy helps increase the elasticity of the muscle to improve range of motion, increases proprioceptive muscle function – aka muscle firing, and improves lymphatic drainage. In short, percussion therapy is the next level road to recovery.
Let Us Help You Live a Pain-Free Life
No medical treatment can relieve 100% of pain 100% of the time, but we can provide incredible results for many clients. To learn more about the ways in which we will create a personalized plan that is developed just for your needs, contact QualityAcu at 714-532-2827 for help.