Many people in Orange, CA, deal with chronic pain. Injuries are a leading cause of chronic pain. QualityAcu is an Orange, CA, acupuncture clinic that specializes in treating injury-related pain.
Chronic pain is persistent pain that lasts for more than three months, continuing even after the injury or underlying cause has healed. Unlike acute pain, which is a direct response to tissue damage and subsides as healing occurs, chronic pain can have a negative impact on daily activities, mood, and overall quality of life.
People can become injured in many ways – car accidents, sports injuries, falls, workplace accidents, and repetitive motion stress, to name a few. When an injury occurs, it typically triggers an acute pain response to alert the body to damage. Normally, as the body heals, the pain diminishes.
In some circumstances, injuries can lead to chronic due to:
Neuropathic pain is caused by nerve damage that can occur as a result of fractures, sprains, or surgeries. Damaged nerves can misfire or become hypersensitive, sending pain signals to the brain even after the tissue has healed.
Inflammation occurs as the body’s immune response works to heal the injured area. Chronic inflammation can prolong the pain even after the injury itself has healed, irritating surrounding nerves, leading to ongoing discomfort.
After an injury, the muscles surrounding the affected area may become tense and stiff to protect the injury. If this tension becomes chronic, it can cause persistent stiffness and pain. Additionally, scar tissue can form during the healing process, which may lead to pain if it compresses nerves or restricts normal movement.
Injuries can lead to stress, anxiety, or depression, all of which can contribute to chronic pain. These emotional responses can amplify pain perception and affect the body’s ability to recover fully, making the pain feel more intense and long-lasting.
Acupuncture is a method of treating chronic pain and other conditions that involves the insertion of special needles at specific points along the body. Stimulation from acupuncture needles improves the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the muscles, tissues, and surrounding organs. It also triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain-relief chemicals.
By improving blood flow, acupuncture can reduce inflammation, resulting in decreased swelling and pain. The placement of the needles can modulate pain signals, dampening or blocking them from reaching the brain. Acupuncture is also effective at relieving stress and anxiety.
If you’re looking for an alternative to medication-based pain management, Orange, CA, acupuncture clinic QualityAcu is the place to go. Licensed acupuncturist Greg Maruki (L.Ac, MAOM) and his team have extensive experience in treating injury-related chronic pain.
Your health and comfort are our top priorities. We take a holistic approach to healthcare, treating the whole person instead of just the symptoms, ensuring a more effective recovery. Our treatments are tailored to your specific needs.
QualityAcu is conveniently located at 2832 E. Chapman Ave., just east of Hwy. 55 between S. Yorba St and Prospect St. Call us at 714-532-2827 or contact us online to schedule your appointment at an Orange, CA, acupuncture clinic QualityAcu today. We’re open Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM and Saturday from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM. We accept many forms of insurance and always welcome new patients.