Cupping Therapy for Pain Management in Orange, CA

QualityAcu is a health and wellness clinic in Orange, CA, that specializes in using Traditional Chinese medicine to manage pain symptoms. In addition to acupuncture, QualityAcu also utilizes cupping therapy to treat the pain. However, while many know what acupuncture is, a lot of people aren’t as familiar with cupping therapy.

What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy is an alternative type of medicine that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. This suction is created by heating the air within the cup and placing it on the skin. The cups are left in place for several minutes. As the air inside the cup cools, it creates a partial vacuum, causing the skin to be drawn into the cup.

Cupping therapy has been practiced for thousands of years as a traditional healing technique. In Traditional Chinese medicine, cupping has been used to help balance the flow of qi (energy) in the body and promote the body’s natural healing processes. Similar therapies have also been practiced in ancient Egyptian and other Middle Eastern cultures.

How Does Cupping Therapy Manage Pain Symptoms?

Cupping therapy can manage pain symptoms in various ways:

  • Cupping can increase blood flow to the targeted area, which helps reduce muscle tension and improve blood circulation.
  • The suction created by cupping can help reduce inflammation by releasing and removing toxins and other inflammatory substances.
  • Cupping provides relief from muscle pain and stiffness by helping to relax muscles and connective tissues.
  • The increased blood flow caused by the suction can stimulate the body’s natural immune response.
  • Cupping can help release fascial restrictions, improving flexibility and reducing pain.
  • Cupping can have a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce pain.

What Conditions Is Cupping Therapy Used to Treat?

Cupping therapy can be used to treat the chronic inflammation and pain associated with several conditions, including:

  • Joint pain
  • Back pain
  • Muscle strains and sprains
  • Arthritis
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Respiratory issues
  • Body toxins
  • Stress-related disorders
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome and other repetitive motion disorders

Where to Find Safe, Effective Cupping Therapy in Orange, CA

If conventional medical treatments and therapies are providing the results you desire, it may be time to consider an alternative. Acupuncture, cupping therapy, and other Traditional Chinese medicine practices have been used to treat chronic pain and other conditions for centuries. There’s also a growing amount of scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of Traditional Chinese medicine in relieving pain and stress.

Orange, CA, acupuncture clinic QualityAcu offers a wide range of treatments based on traditional Chinese medicine, including cupping therapy. Licensed acupuncturist Greg G. Maruki (L.Ac, MAOM) provides safe, effective cupping therapy treatments to manage pain and promote healing.

If you’re interested in experiencing the benefits of cupping therapy and other Traditional Chinese medicine practices, schedule your appointment at QualityAcu today. You can reach us by using our online form or call us at 714-532-2827. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM and Saturday from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM. QualityAcu is conveniently located at 2832 E. Chapman Ave.,. We accept most PPO insurance and always welcome new patients.

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