Cupping Therapy for Bronchial Congestion

Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine that can help with a wide range of health conditions. Discover how it can help with bronchial congestion.

Cupping, therapy and wellness for body in spa, health and healing with alternative medicine. Body care, stress relief and balance, holistic and massage therapy, vacuum banks and healthy treatment.

Bronchial congestion is among the most common and frustrating ailments –– specially as of late. And part of what makes it so frustrating is that seemingly there is very little you can do about it. However, just when you think there’s no end in sight, we’re here to tell you about cupping therapy: an effective form of alternative medicine that can do a lot of good for your health.

What is cupping therapy?

Cupping therapy is a form of alternative medicine dating back thousands of years. The ancient practice dates as far back as 1,500 B.C Egypt, where it was first recorded in medical books. Today, cupping is practiced around the world and has countless of committed followers.

Cupping essentially consists of placing special suction cups on your skin. The way the suction works is by momentarily setting the cups on fire and, once the fire goes out, placing the cups upside down on your skin. The change in temperature will eventually cause your blood vessels to expand, making your skin rise and redden.

Different types of cupping therapy

There are two main types of cupping therapy: dry and wet cupping. Dry cupping is exactly what it sounds like –– cupping done on dry skin. Sometimes lotion is applied in conjunction with a deep-tissue massage that enhances results.

Wet cupping, on the other hand, is a little different. After a cup is placed and removed from the skin, a tiny scalpel is used to make microscopic cuts in the skin, and a second round of cupping is applied to bring the blood to the surface.

Cupping therapy and bronchial congestion

Cupping has the effect of increasing blood flow throughout your body by expanding your blood vessels. When done strategically, this can target specific ailments, including allergies and bronchial congestions.

In addition to helping with bronchial congestions, cupping therapy can provide effective treatment for related conditions and problems such as phlegm and allergies. Even better yet, the procedure is relatively painless.

Get in touch

If you are ready to try cupping therapy and you happen to live in Orange, California, you should stop by our office. Our team of trusted professionals is adequately trained and can answer all your questions. Give us a call today to learn more: 714-532-2827.

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