The Magic of Cupping in Orange, CA

The Magic of Cupping in Orange, CAAlternative medicine can sometimes do what traditional treatments fail to solve –– and cupping is no different. From blood disorders such as hemophilia and anemia, to fertility and other gynecological issues, cupping offers something to everyone. But what exactly is cupping? This blog post will give you a crash course on the topic as well as debunk some common misconceptions. The bottom line is you should consider cupping for a laundry list of ailments, especially if you’ve tried everything else and nothing works. Let us tell you why.

The basics of cupping

It’s hard to trace the origins of cupping, but archeological records show that ancient Chinese, Egyptian, and Middle Eastern civilizations employed the practice as far back as over 3,500 years ago.

Basically, cupping consists of placing small suction cups on your skin, typically on your back. he way the suction works is by momentarily lighting a fire inside the cups and, once the fire goes out, placing the cups upside down on your skin. The change in temperature will eventually cause your blood vessels to expand, making your skin rise and redden.

As your blood vessels expand, more blood and oxygen will flow through them, which is the secret behind cupping. Practitioners have discovered that increased blood and oxygen flow is the secret ingredient behind cupping’s capacity to heal and improve your health.

Different types of cupping

There is at least two types of cupping we will discuss today: dry and wet cupping.

Dry cupping is exactly what it sounds like –– cupping done on dry skin. Sometimes lotion is applied in conjunction with a deep-tissue massage that enhances results.

Wet cupping, on the other hand, is a little different. After a cup is placed and removed from the skin, a tiny scalpel is used to make microscopic cuts in the skin, and a second round of cupping is applied to bring the blood to the surface.

Both methods deliver results; your provider will help you determine which one is best for you based on your goals and treatment needs.

Busting myths about cupping

One of the most common myths about cupping is painful –– nothing could be farther from the truth! A majority of patients only reports feeling a suction sensation that can actually be pleasure and the complete opposite of painful.

Another misconception is that cupping scars you. While it is true that cupping can leave circular shapes on the treated area, these fade easily in as little as a few hours and up to a few days at most.

Why Greg Maruki

Now that you know the basics about cupping, you’re ready to book an appointment with Greg Maruki Acupuncture. And why his office, you might ask? He has been practicing in Orange, California for over a decade, making thousands of patients happy over the years. He is a very trusted professional who truly cares about people’s health –– in fact, his office is very accommodating and can even work with your insurance. Learn more by calling today: 714-532-2827.

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